Travel information

Venue – Sirius University

Address: Russian Federation, Sirius federal territory, Olimpiysky pr., 1.- google map


Time difference
CET+1 hour


Working Hours
Most business organizations are open at 09:00-18:00, banks at 10:00-19:00. Working week runs from Monday to Friday. Many stores stay open from 10:00-22:00, 7 days a week.


Weather forecast:
The average temperature in October is 20°C. Rain: 4 days/month.



The international dialing code for Russia is +7; the area codes is (8622).


Useful Telephone Numbers
Emergency number 112 (both from landline and mobile phones) also works for emergency calls to special services (in Russian and in English).


How to get to the city of the Congress venue (Sochi)
The federal territory of Sirius is 20 minutes by car from the airport from Sochi International Airport named after V. I. Sevastyanov and 15 minutes by car from the Adler Railway Station.

Below are the cities/countries offering direct flights to the city of Sochi:
Almaty (Kazakhstan) – Russian Airlines
Antalya (Turkey) – Russian and national airlines (charter)
Baku (Azerbaijan) – Russian and national airlines
Belgrade (Serbia) – national airlines
Dalaman (Turkey) – Russian Airlines
Dubai (UAE) – Russian Airlines
Dushanbe (Tajikistan) – Russian Airlines
Istanbul (Turkey) – Russian Airlines
Minsk (Belarus) – national airlines
Namangan (Uzbekistan) – Russian Airlines
Tashkent (Uzbekistan) – national airlines
Tbilisi (Georgia) – Russian Airlines
Tel Aviv (Israel) – Russian Airlines
Yerevan (Armenia) – Russian and national airlines

When planning a flight, we recommend considering flights through: Baku (Azerbaijan), Belgrade (Serbia), Yerevan (Armenia). The largest number of flights operate from and to Istanbul, however, international booking systems may not be able to issue tickets for Russian airlines.


Hotel accommodation
Participants are invited to book a hotel at special rates in the participant’s personal account.
A list of recommended hotels can be found on the Congress website –


Transport service
Shuttles from the airport/train station to hotels (recommended on the website and back will be organized for Congress participants.
It is also planned to organize shuttles from recommended hotels to the event venue and back.
Specific hotels, dates and time will be provided by September 20th.
If you order a taxi yourself, it should be cost approximately 700 rubles (about 8 USD / 7 EURO) to one way (airport – hotel or hotel – airport).


Visa support
Participants are offered two options for obtaining a visa to Russia:

1) E-VISA (not suitable for all countries) – a fast, convenient way. The participant goes through the entire procedure independently.
2) invitation from the organizing committee
More detailed information on the link –