
The working languages of the congress are Russian and English.

Applications for participation in the congress and abstracts of the report (no more than one page in length) must be submitted in an interactive form in two languages – Russian and English (for Russian participants) and in English (for foreign participants). Abstracts of reports drawn up in accordance with the rules and included in the congress program will be accepted for publication.

Please use the following template for your abstract

Template in English.docx

Frequently asked questions


Abstract submission is closed.

After making the required revisions, please upload the updated abstracts to your personal account. If you encounter any issues with uploading, please send the updated abstract to MendeleevCongress2024@mesol.ru, including the name of the section and type of report.

You will be informed about the status and type of your presentation via the email address provided during registration. This information will also be available in your personal account under the «Abstracts» section.

No, it is not mandatory. You may participate in the Congress without submitting abstracts.

Information regarding the acceptance of abstracts and confirmation of presentation type will be provided to participants by June 17th. This will be communicated through a notification sent to the email address provided during registration, as well as being duplicated in your personal account under the «Abstracts» section.

If the uploaded abstract is visible in the «Abstracts» section of your personal account, then it means that the organizing committee has successfully received it.

Each participant (main author) can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts.

For participation in sections or Russian-language symposia, (abstracts) must be submitted in both Russian and English as separate files, with subsequent publication in the respective abstract
submission. For participation in English-language symposia, abstracts must be submitted only in English and will be published in the English-language submission.

If the section/symposium title on the website and in the personal account is in Russian, the presentation should be delivered in Russian. If the section/symposium title is in English, the presentation should be delivered in English.

To submit abstracts, please use the template provided on the Abstract page on the official website: https://mendeleevcongress.ru/en/abstracts/


An Expert Conclusion is permission for the publication of materials (abstracts) uploaded by the participant. The name of this document may vary depending on the organization, but in any case, it confirms the absence of any information in the submitted abstracts that is not suitable for dissemination. This document should be prepared and signed by the expert commission of your
organization. If your organization does not have such a commission, department, or employee responsible for this, and all materials uploaded by you can be published without additional
confirmation, then you may not need to upload an Expert Conclusion.

Please clarify the procedure and format with your organization.

An Expert Conclusion should be uploaded to the participant’s personal account in the “Abstracts”section – the rightmost column, by August 1st.
If a participant submits 2 abstracts, an Expert Conclusion is required for each file. For both the Russian and English versions of the same abstracts, the same Expert Conclusion in Russian should be uploaded for both versions.

Please ensure that the filename does not contain any periods.
Try changing the extension of the file from uppercase (e.g., .PDF) to lowercase (e.g., .pdf). If this does not resolve the issue and the file meets the required formats, please send the file you are trying to upload to MendeleevCongress2024@mesol.ru along with a description of the problem.